Quick Links:

MemberMouse == http://bit.ly/2CXlMgw

MemberPress == http://bit.ly/2ASRzxC

Digital Access Pass == http://bit.ly/2jcJ2i0

Hey guys so this video is going to share with you my thoughts on what the Best WordPress membership plugin is at the moment in 2017, and will probably remain the case into 2018.

As I mention in the video my number #1 pick is MemberMouse, which you can check out here:

MemberMouse == http://bit.ly/2CXlMgw

I only reviewed these three membership plugins because I really had to narrow it down. There’s literally dozens of membership plugins for WordPress and most of them suck.

These three are probably the top plugins on the market, and I work with them a lot. So I’m hoping to help you narrow down your choices so you don’t get overwhelmed and can pick something more quickly.

MemberPress is generally a very solid plugin. My main complaints with them is their pricing, their support system, and their user interface. Watch the video for more details. On the functionality front they do a good job so I don’t really have any gripes there.

Click here to check out MemberPress:

MemberPress == http://bit.ly/2ASRzxC

Digital Access Pass – also known as DAP – is probably the most functional of these three membership plugins, but it’s got the worst user interface and some of the features and integrations feel bolted on. Their support is a bit slow, but generally solid. DAP is probably the best over value for the money.

Click here to check out Digital Access Pass:

Digital Access Pass == http://bit.ly/2jcJ2i0

However, as I said in the video, my top pick goes to MemberMouse. I feel it’s the best combination of solid functionality, great design and user interface, features, extensibility (ability to develop on TOP of an application), and user friendliness.

Click here to check out MemberMouse:


I didn’t review ActiveMember360 even though I love it, because it’s specific to ActiveCampaign and I wanted to make sure that this video is applicable to the most people.

Leave me a comment below letting me know your number #1 question about membership sites.





Vic Dorfman
Founder, MemberFix

    10 replies to "BEST WordPress Membership Plugin – MemberMouse vs MemberPress vs Digital Access Pass (DAP)"

    • Tamara Schenk

      Very helpful!

    • Rob R

      Hi Vic, thanks for your review of WP membership plugins. I will checkout Member Mouse. Just curious, who do you use for your web hosting?

    • SpanishWithCarmen

      Hi Vic! so useful video. I have a question… I see (on doc) that DAP have a feature "Auto-Redirection to previous page after logging in"… I need that because I wanna send emails to my students with a custom link to a protected lecture and they must autenticate and then landing on that lecture (my link) not on "home page" o whatever… Do you know if memberpress o membermouse support that? I can't find it on doc… just redirect to a static URL. That is so easy… just a login(referer) function…

    • EWS

      Does MemberMouse configure with Everwebinar inside modules and let cancelled members have access to past content? Or allows a Custom login script to entice past members to join again, like Membersonic2 ? That's far better than an Access Denied page. 🙂

    • Prizm Arcade

      Maybe put your tech content in a separate channel? Then I'd probably subscribe.

    • Carl Kalbfleisch

      Thanks. That's very helpful. I'm looking for a membership module for our non profit ministry. Had been leaning towards member mouse. So sounds like it may be a good choice.

    • Patrick

      Hello Vic, thanks for making this useful vid. How do you feel about LMS platforms such as lifter. I want to have training courses as a focus point but I also want to foster community. So should I go for say one of the above plugins or a LMS?

    • Kazuki Tech

      Thanks Man, we have the same thought about MemberMouse

    • www.VeryBeginner.com

      Hi Vic.. Thanks for another great video! You are the best! I do have one question… since the release of DAP v6.0 , does that change your opinion at all? Thanks my friend, Tom

    • The Music Ministry Coach.com

      Very thorough, man. I've been looking at Memberpress and Membermouse for about a week now. I've always heard of DAP but never considered it. Thanks for taking the time to do such an in debpth comparison.

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