When looking for ways to boost online conversion rates, you’ll notice that many website have a ‘deal of the day’ product section on their landing pages. This gives visitors a sense of urgency and can shorten the decision-making process. In this post, we’ll show you how to create a stunning countdown deal of the day product section design with Divi’s built-in options only. The design style we’re using is elegant and clean and includes a splash of color to emphasize different elements in the design. You’ll be able to download the JSON file for free as well!

Read more: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/divi-resources/how-to-create-a-countdown-deal-of-the-day-product-section-with-divi

    4 replies to "How to Create a Countdown ‘Deal of the Day’ Product Section with Divi"

    • Breathing Design

      Well done Mak, beautiful

    • James Hayward

      Any tricks to hiding, removing the add to cart etc when the deal ends?

    • Jaleo Tech

      Get to the point 90% of the video could have been skipped!

    • Игорь Подгайный

      How can we remove a column “days”from countdown?

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