In this video, I’m going to show you how to start building your pages using OptimizePress. Building pages in OptimizePress really is a two step process. First using the built in OptimizePress page builder, you’re going to create your page and then chose a basic layout or template for your page.
Once you’ve done that, the second step is to use the built in drag and drop live editor to add the specific elements you want on your page. And then edit and customize them however you like. So in this video we’ll look at the first step. The page builder. So lets take a look at how to start creating your pages. First thing you need to do is launch the page builder and you can do that from wherever you’re at in your wordpress admin area by browsing to OptimizePress and page builder. When I click on page builder, it’s going to open up the page builder here in a lightbox.
Now we just need to start following the onscreen instructions. So I am going to name the page, we’ll call it Demo 1. And then you’re going to have a couple of different options. The first option is, you can choose to start building your page with a blank page. This will allow you to choose from our basic pages for landing pages, marketing or sales pages, and membership pages. You’ll then be able to create and customize your page to look however you’d like using that drag and drop live editor. The other option you have is to create your page using a content template. This is where we have a ton of prebuilt templates already created for you.
These will save you tons of time and will allow you to quickly create really professional looking pages in a very short amount of time. So lets first take a look at the option for starting with a blank page. I’m going to come back up here and I’m going to click on blank page. And then I’ll scroll down and I’ll click proceed to step two. Now notice across the top here in page builder, it’s showing that’s where we’re at in the process. On this page what we want to do is select which type of page we’re trying to create. Are we trying to create a landing page? Like a squeeze page or a webinar registration page. Or are we looking to create a marketing or sales page. Or are we looking to create a membership page. Lets say what you’re wanting to build here is a sales page. I’ll select this and I’ll click proceed to step 3 down here at the bottom.
This is where we’ll select the basic layout of our page. And here you’ll see we have some different options. We have a full width page. We have a page with a border. We have a page with framed in content. And we have a raised header. And you’ll notice you can click on the magnifying glass to see a quick preview of each layout. I’ll select template style 1, and then I’ll scroll down and click proceed to step 4. This is where we’ll be able to set some basic settings for our page including layout options. Like do we want to use a header or not, do we want to have a footer area or not. Plus we’ll be able to make some changes to the color scheme of the page, and we can look at specific on page functionality. Like is this page part of a launch funnel. Do we want to set an exit redirect. Is it a one time offer page. Those types of things. Lets go over to layout. We’ll choose to use a header. And if I scroll down you’ll notice it’s actually pulling in my default settings that I set earlier on in the process when I installed and configured my general settings and my global settings. So it’s got my logo already, it’s already has my background color, and I can change these if I want to change these and overwrite those default settings on a page by page basis I can right here. So I’ll keep everything else as it is. Lets now click save settings, and what happens is, our page is now created.
The basic layout settings are now in place and we are launched into the live editor which is where we can start adding elements. You’ll notice it’s a blank page, it has our header and basic layout settings that we would have set up in the page builder in place and now we can start adding the different elements that we want to have on this page. We do that with the live editor. I’m going to show you live editor in another video. But for now that’s how you would use the blank page option.
Lets look at the other option where you can use pre built content templates to get a faster starter on your page, because I think you’re really going to like that. So lets close out of the live editor. Lets create another page to use one of the content templates with. SO I’m going to come back over here to OptimizePress, page builder, just like before and I’m going to create a new page.
1 Response to "How To Use The OptimizePress PageBuilder: OptimizePress PageBulider Overview"
When I use a template does optimizepress bring my logo and header´s background color just as I saved in the Global Settings?