Learn how to restrict users of your WordPress admin with a must use plugin without the need of purchasing plugins and causing “plugin bloat” on your WordPress website.

    2 replies to "Simple WordPress User Restriction Tutorial without using Plugins"

    • Clear and focused

      Wow. This is an awesome video!! Thank you!!
      Please help me understand something slightly similar. I want Administrators, Editors, and Authors to have the ability to access the dashboard; while also allowing (WooCommerce) Customers to login or register on my front end. This arrangement seems like what most WordPress Administrators would want. But what I don't understand is:

      1. Why would any other user-role (ie: Subscriber) need access to the dashboard?
      2. Furthermore, from my understanding, doesn't limiting access to the dashboard prevent e-Commerce sites from working because Customers won't be able to login unless their IP is whitelisted??

      This seems incredibly strange to me because:

      3. How many websites want Subscribers to have access to the dashboard (very few) vs how many e-Commerce sites need to have Customers able to subscribe (nearly all)?  

      It seems to me that the default should be preventing Subscribers from accessing the dashboard, rather than default allowing them access. Please explain. Thanks for your great work! (ps – Like you say, I'd rather not install another plugin for the above purpose).

    • Dennis The Menace

      Genius. Brilliant. Idol

      But how about changing the labels and removing wordpress logo and words without plug in?

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