You really do some beautiful work Suzanna – I've just looked at your demo for InstaMember last night that launches this 24th June (plug) and like InstaBuilder it's an absolute must have. Good luck with the launch! Though I think you guys will not need it ..
11 replies to "Video Overview"
Must be a relly low budget operation since they couldn't afford a voiceover for the video.
Looks great for the money but would like to see what marketing graphics there are and can I create pricing tables on the landing page?
Resell Rights?
Does InstaBuilder work only with WordPress or can it be used with other website builders?
You really do some beautiful work Suzanna – I've just looked at your demo for InstaMember last night that launches this 24th June (plug) and like InstaBuilder it's an absolute must have. Good luck with the launch! Though I think you guys will not need it ..
I wouldn't pay that much for your plug in, I have one just like it, got it for $9 bucks
Yes you can upload your own background image for your page.
Can u create a custom background (jpeg) for your capture age?
They probably used Adobe After Effects.
wow that look really nice, I may give it a try soon
Looks really Awesome…In fact DYNOMITE!!!